Friday 30 September 2011


Questionnaire Evaluation
  • Based on the results of the questionnaire that was given out two students out of 7 said they would buy a school magazine, one student said they would not and four students were 50/50 on buying one.
  • Four students are willing to pay up to fifty pence for the magazine and three are willing to pay up to one pound for it.
  • Five students I asked were female and two were male.
  • Five students were in year 12 and two in year 11.
  • The most popular masthead was “VIIIth wonder” with four votes, the second most popular is “KHS” with two votes and finally “students social” got one vote.
  • The most popular slogan was “King Henry through the microscope” with 6 votes and the school motto “respecting tradition and embracing the future” received just one vote
  • No students wanted to read about sport, six students expressed interest in reading about teachers secrets, on student is interested in reading about exam success, four students want to read about clubs and activities, two students want to read about school trips, one student would like to read about the canteen food and four people would like to read about the upcoming and reviews on the schools drama productions.
  • Five students would like to see pictures of sixth formers in the magazine, and two think that mixed year groups should be shown and three students would like to see teams and clubs in the magazine.
  • The most popular colours that the students associate with the school are: black with seven votes, gold with five votes, and yellow with three votes.
  • All seven students think that the magazine should be pointed at students and one person said that it should also be available for parents.