Sunday 29 January 2012

Finished Magazine Front


A five person post-hardcore screamo band on the rise

These five 17-18 year olds started up in 2008 expecting nothing to become of their band but one small gig in a local venue in 2010 turned them into the latest upcoming band of the year, they have began touring with some big names such as Alesana and Of Mice & Men.

From a small market town in the south of Wales. They have been all over the UK. The boys are set to go on tour to the States mid 2012 supporting the American band A Day To Remember as they unveil their new self titled album.

10 Questions to the lead vocalist, Ryan Leacock

What inspired you to form a band?
Well I grew up listening to bands like Linkin Park, Bullet For My Valentine, The Sex Pistols, Sum 41 and some heavier bands like Rammstein and Heaven Shall Burn. And the idea of combining them all together is just awesome.
How did the band get together?
It started off as a joke amongst the 5 of us when we was in school listening to some tunes when Nathan(bassist) suggested the idea. We all got really hyped and one thing let to another and here we are *laughs*
You have recently made your first official video, what was that like?
*sighs* it was terrible *laughs* it was overall a fun couple of days running around the streets of our home town but the weather and the random people walking past was so frustrating at times and good takes had to be repeated over and over.
Do you have any new releases coming out in the near future?
We have a punk goes pop cover coming out before the album but it will be a myspace exclusive, we also have our merch tee’s that will be available on our website
What’s the craziest thing you have seen on tour so far?
For me it would have to be this dude in his underwear with a parking cone on his head surfing the crowd on a large sheet of plywood at an open air gig.
What do you get up to when you’re not on stage?
Usually I will pick up a few shifts in a pub back home, I love working behind a bar its always interesting talking to the local drunks *laughs* I also spend a lot of time on the playstation… I’m a nerd *laughs*
What bands are you listening to at the moment?
I have been listening to a lot of ska after seeing the specials live in Cardiff a month back. I’m listening to a lot of parkway drive because there is a gig coming up soon so I’m pretty psyched to be seeing them again.
What was you first gig? And how was it?
It was Suicide Silence when I was 13, it took twenty minutes to convince the bouncer I was 16 and when I finally got in halfway through the set I got hit in the head with a glass bottle… That was fun *laughs*
Where is the worst place you have had to spend the night?
I once slept in a park with my feet up on the swings for about an hour or two when me and two of my mates had an all-nighter around the town. I woke up covered in doritoes and popcorn kindly donated to me by my mates *laughs*
Finally if we gave you a million quid and 24 to drain it, what would you do?
I would probably buy a rundown warehouse somewhere and set it up for a live gig and a massive party and record the whole night for a kick-ass music video! … When do I get my million quid? *laughs*